
Wednesday, August 7, 2019

Local News From Across the County, Aug. 7, 1919

From The Review, High Point, N.C., Thursday, Aug. 7, 1919

The School board this week made an appropriation to the Normal Industrial negro school of $3,700 to help carry on the good work this school for colored people is doing.
Mrs. A.M. Richardson elected teacher of the fifth grade at Elm street school and Miss Agnes McAdams the sixth grade, at a meeting of the school board this week. Supt. Marr says he now has an able corps of teachers.
Col. P.C. McIntire is indeed very fortunate in having in his employ a former member of the “Oh Boy!” company, Charles Gardner. A motion picture of the play is to be shown at the Rose Monday and Tuesday.
Winston-Salem officers found the stolen car of W.O. Oliver in the woods near that city. Patrolman Wade and Mr. Oliver went over on the motorcycle and brought the car here.
Deputy Sheriff J.E. Wagner captured another still last week, this time on the Bud White farm, four miles east of the city.
A new lumber plant is being talked about and many there be who would welcome this competition.
The old Colonial will soon be moved either to Main or Willbrook or it may be torn down to make room for the furniture exposition building.
Hedrick—Edward Franklin, 10 year-old son of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Hedrick, died Tuesday at the home of his parents in Mechanicsville. Interment Wednesday at Mechanicsville.
The Parker Paper and Twine Co. has sold its paper box department in the Reidsville Paper Box Co.
Eugene White and Worth Ivey have returned from overseas.
Carl Wright has sold his interest in the motor service company and will go in business for himself.
W.C. Beavans, accompanied by D.C. Leonard of Lincolnton, left Sunday night for the northern markets.
Charles Embler, superintendent of the Southern Chair Co., had the misfortune to break his right arm while cranking a Ford last Tuesday morning, but is getting along nicely now.
The annual picnic of the Sunday school of the First Baptist church was held at Hayworth’s springs yesterday.
W.L. Stamey and wife Sunday afternoon returned from Wilmington and Wrightsville where they attended the Press Association and visited relatives.
Mrs. W.L. Smith Sunday returned from Wilmington and Wrightsville where she visited relatives.
Mr. and Mrs. J.P. Rawley, Mr. and Mrs. J.J. Farriss, Mr. and Mrs. C.M. Brown returned this week from Wrightsville where they attended the Press association.

A.E. Tate was indisposed the past week.

J. Ed Kirkman is improving satisfactorily from a broken arm.

Mrs. Guy Wells is still seriously ill with typhoid fever at the hospital.

J. Vassie Wilson, who has typhoid fever, is improving very slowly.

All those not lately successfully vaccinated will have to be to enter school Sept. 1. Please bear this in mind.

Clean up all the back lots and privies if you expect to do your part in abating sickness.

Wednesday evening Aug. 13th the singing class from the Oxford Orphanage will give an entertainment in the auditorium.

Col. H.C. Lewis, Maj. T.J. Wood and Col. Jim B. Little are attending the Confederate Veterans reunion at Rocky Mount this week.

J.H. Shaw is now county coroner, succeeding Geo. L. Stansbury, resigned.

Mason W. Gant is now county judge of the Juvenile court, while D.H. Parsons fills the same position for High Point.

The White Oak team defeated the High Pointers in a good game of ball at Greensboro Tuesday, score 5 to 2, and in the game here yesterday we lost again to them, score 8 to 2.

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