
Sunday, August 11, 2019

Work, Reducing Cost of Living, Punishing Profiteers Will Help Make Prosperity Permanent, Says Editor, Aug. 11, 1919

From the editorial page of the Hickory Daily Record, Aug. 11, 1919

Getting Right

The strike situation throughout the country has steadily improved and in a few more days, there is reason to believe, there will be fewer disturbances throughout the country. The trouble at the Chicago stock yards has been settled, the Brooklyn Rapid Transit workers are back on the job, and the railroad shopmen in many parts of the country are responding to the call of their chiefs to return to duty.

The only way for conditions to improve in the United States, and in the world also, is for everybody to produce as much as possible. Idleness on the part of one class only injures all. “There is a shortage of practically everything, viewed from pre-war standards, but there is enough for economical needs. That is the main point.

Not until the world settles down to an orderly existence will conditions become normal again, and the example of America doing its full part will be a wholesome one for the other nations. This country has assumed leadership. It can be made good or bad, depending on our people.

The resumption of work everywhere and honest endeavor to meet the call of duty will tend more to make prosperity permanent and to reduce the exorbitant cost of living, with a shaking up of the profiteers, than anything else we know of Let us remember that fact.

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