
Sunday, October 20, 2019

Churches Raising Money for Lenoir College Endowment, Oct. 20, 1919

From the Hickory Daily Record, Oct. 20, 1919

Churches Make Fine Reports on Drive

The big drive for $300,000 for Lenoir College endowment began Sunday in all of the churches of the Tennessee synod. The matter was presented by some 40 pastors in about 75 churches. The pastors and team captains in the various congregations began this drive with the feeling and assurance that when the campaign is over the goal will have been reached, in fact, will have been passed by a good amount.

Reports are coming in this morning promptly from various churches. These reports show that the congregations are not only determined to raise their apportionments, but have gone beyond what was asked of them.

The first congregation to report was St. Stephens, Rev. E.J. Sox, pastor, J.H. Frye team captain. The apportionment of this congregation was 660. They report this morning $1,212 raised, with still other amounts to be received.

The second congregation to report was St. Matthews, Kings Mountain, Rev. H.B. Schaffer, pastor, Mr. W.K. Mauney, team captain. The apportionment of this congregation as $12,000. (Article did say it was $12,000 but it is more probable that the apportionment was $1,200.) The following telegram was received from Mr. Mauney:

“St. Matthews congregation went ‘over the top’ and we have others to see. Amount pledge $1,557. Push it to the limit.”

In this congregation the ‘flying squadron’ had already secured subscriptions to the amount of $13,500.

St. Luke’s congregation near Kings Mount reports third with $225 raised. The apportionment of this congregation was $250.

Bethany congregation, West Hickory, Dr. W.A. Deaton, pastor, Mr. W.P. Austin, team captain, was the fourth to report. The apportionment of this congregation was $340. The report of the team captain shows $1,028 raised yesterday, with still other subscriptions to come in. This congregation, therefore, has raised more than three times the amount asked of it.

From these reports it appears that the congregations are not only raising their apportionments throughout the Tennessee Synod, but that they will probably double them.

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