
Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Extension Service at the State Fair in Raleigh, Oct. 23, 1919

From the front page of The Alamance Gleaner, Graham, N.C., Oct. 23, 1919

Extension Service at State Fair. . . Davidson Lady Demonstrator Goes to Fair in Airplane

Raleigh, Oct. 22—By far the largest individual organization taking part in the State Fair at Raleigh this week is the Agricultural Extension Service of the State College and Department of Agriculture. In the Horticultural building is the general exhibit of the State Department of Agriculture under the Direction of Curator Brilley of the State Museum. This exhibit shows North Carolina’s growth in crop production and her position now among the States of the Union. A model farm, the family cow, insects of importance, and diseases of plants are some of the things stressed.

Here also is the first attempt on the part of the State to advertise its newspapers. “The Newspaper is the Beacon Light of Community Progress” says a big sign just back of a model of the Cape Hatteras Light House. Placards and charts go to show the importance of the press in developing the agriculture of the State and in building up the community. Ribbons as rays of light lead to each placard.

The pig club, the corn club, the State veterinary division of home demonstration work are all well represented. At the head of each agricultural department is an extension worker. Most of the judges will be men who have been secured form outside the State by these workers. Miss Aubrey Chin of the Department of Agriculture at Washington will judge the woman’s exhibits. This department, under Mrs. Jane S. McKimmon’s direction, is probably the largest yet shown at any fair.

One of the home demonstration agents, Miss Eunice Penny of Lexington, Davidson county, came to the fair in an airplane with the pilot who is to furnish the thrills for the crowd this week. Miss Penny found that she could have so much time and could make the trip in such comparative safety that she is advising all the agents to purchase a plane for their work of covering the counties during the canning season.

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