
Wednesday, October 23, 2019

In Superior Court in Rutherfordton, Oct. 23, 1919

From the Forest City Courier, Oct. 23, 1919. When considering the fines, Inflation Calculator says a $5 fine in 1919 would be the same as a $72.57 fine in 2018. Those $500 fines for carrying a pistol are the equivalent in purchasing power to $7,257.42 in 2018.

Superior Court in Session at County Seat

The fall term of the Superior court convened Monday morning of last week, Judge Jas. L. Webb of Shelby presiding, and Hon. J.E. Shipman, solicitor, prosecuting on behalf of the State.

The criminal docket was finished on Tuesday of the second week, the following cases being disposed of:

State vs. A.C. Hook, false pretense, continued.

Ed Freeman, assault, $150 and costs.
Ed Freeman, carrying pistol, $500 and costs.

Frank Robinson, assault, $25 and costs.
Frank Robinson, assault, $25 and costs.
Frank Robinson, carrying pistol, $500.

Matt Lynch, murder in second degree; 10 years in state prison.

John Twitty, murder; not guilty.

William Miller, murder; not guilty.

T.W. Cogdell, assault; judgment suspended on payment of cost.
T.W. Cogdell, abandonment; judgment suspended on payment of cost and payment of $200 to Mrs. Cagdell.

Joe Hodge, assault, $5 and cost.

Sallie Scruggs, slander, judgment suspended on payment of cost.

Martin Bradley, incest; nol pros with leave. (charges were dismissed)
Martin Bradley, attempt to rape, nol pros with leave.

Jim Crane, making liquor, not guilty.

John Whiteside, possession of liquor, six months on the road.

Will Whiteside, possession of liquor, six months on the road.

Missouri Miller, slander, not guilty.

Bob Harrill, crime against nature, not guilty.

Verno Bradley, forcible trespass, judgment suspended.

Jesse Robinson, forcible trespass, judgment suspended on payment of cost.

Thomas Walker, forcible trespass; $25 and cost.

Lewis Bryant, forcible trespass; $25 and cost.

Frank Belknap, possession of liquor, prayer for judgment continued on payment of cost and good behavior.

K.T. Davis, possession of liquor, $5 and cost.

R.M. Phillips, speeding; nol pros.

Roy Boone, reckless driving, $5 and cost.

Will Ingle, housebreaking and larceny; prayer for judgment continued on payment of cost.

General Mooney, larceny; prayer for judgment continued.

Coot Hodge, making liquor, not guilty.

Sam Carroll, found guilty of making liquor, judgment not yet pronounced.

Charlie Adams, possession of liquor, guilty; judgment not pronounced.

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