
Tuesday, November 12, 2019

Follow This Diet to Unlock Secret of Youth, Nov. 12, 1919

From the Greensboro Daily News, as reprinted on the front page of the Carolina Watchman, Salisbury, N.C., Wednesday, Nov. 12, 1919

The Secret of Youth Is No Secret

Dr. Joseph Oldfield, Britisher, described as “known internationally as a physician writer,” has published what is referred to as a prescription for keeping old age at bay. The secret is no secret. It is diet. The human body, rightly nourished, he considers, should live from 90 to 105 years. Old age being largely caused by deposit in the blood vessels and cells of waste matter, by adoption of a part fruit arian diet, “A man however old, may become young again, because every cell in the body will be replaced by young cells. The diet prescription includes dandelion leaves, fowl’s eggs, grapes, lettuce uncooked salads, cow’s milk, water cress and honey.

The human by changing over to an elimination diet, if it may be properly called that—might or might not add some years, or decades to the span of his life. Whether he did or not, he would in certain wholesome senses live while he did live, which is perhaps more important.

These things are well known to scientists, and not unguessed by laymen. Future generations may decide to live their knowledge. With the crowding of the earth’s surface in a few decades, hence it will be necessary to live much more simply—which is to say, much better.

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