
Tuesday, November 12, 2019

Weddings and Other Personal News From Wilson, N.C., Nov. 12, 1919

From The Daily Times, Wilson, N.C., Nov. 12, 1919

A Beautiful Home Wedding

A beautiful home wedding occurred today at high noon when Miss Sudie Hackney, the popular and talented daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Hackney was united in marriage to Mr. Grayson Luttrell, a prominent business man of Baltimore.

The palatial residence was beautiful in its floral decorations of cut flower and palms and ferns. The music was furnished by the Garber-Davis orchestra, and to the strains of the wedding march the happy couple attended only by pretty little Margaret Richardson, niece of the bride, preceded them in making a way with ribbons to where Rev. Mr. Stewart, pastor of the Christian church, stood, and united them in the holy bonds of matrimony. Following the ceremony the party left for northern cities where they will tour for three weeks before making their home in Baltimore.

The presents were numerous and handsome, attesting to the popularity of the couple who carry with them to their home the best wishes of a host of friends.



Miss Pattie Watson and J.E. Griggs from Kentucky were married at the home of Mr. Rice on Pine street by Rev. J.E. Stewart this evening at 7 o’clock.


Purely Personal

Mr. and Mrs. J.S. Moser of Wlinston-Salem are the guests of Mr. and Mrs. B.J. Boyles on Maplewood Ave.

Mr. and Mrs. Chas. H. Boyles of Juneau, Alaska, arrived in the city last night for a visit to his brother, Mr. B.J. Boyles.

Mr. G.A. Bell has returned from a visit to his mother, Mrs. A.F. Bell, who resides near Rocky Mount.
Mrs. T.M. Meade of this city left today for Richmond, Va., where she will attend the meeting of the War History Commission.

Mr. R.E. Stokes of Abbeville, S.C., is in the city visiting his son, Mr. H.B. Stokes of Stokes-Tomlinson Company.

Mrs. M.J. Williams has returned from Baltimore.

Misses Mary Hunter Deans, Doris Cozart and Lucile Anderson are spending the week in Winston-Salem.

Be sure and attend the concert by the Oxford Orphan class at the Court house Thursday night, Nov. 13th. Admission 25 cents.


Civic Department Woman’s Club

The regular monthly meeting of the civics department of the Wilson Woman’s Club will be held in the Y.M.C.A. rooms on Friday, Nov. 14th at 4 o’clock. There will be an address by Mr. Leonard upon the welfare work in Wilson and it is earnestly desired that there will be a full attendance of all members who are interested in the work which this department is endeavoring to put forward.
--Mrs. D.M. Hill, Chairman


Lady Takes Airplane Flight

Mrs. Louise Wilson paid a visit to friends in Wilson yesterday via the airplane. She left here with Aviator Bishop at 11:15 and landed in Wilson at 11:46, it requiring just 31 minutes to make the flight. Upon the return trip and before landing, the airplane did the Emmelman, turn, tail spin, wing slip, barrel roll and nose dive over the city. These feats were witnessed by hundreds of interested spectators on terra firma. Aviator Bishop and his machine have been in Greenville for two weeks and have made many friends who hope that he will come again. Mrs. Wilson is the daughter of Mr. J.T. Barron of this city.

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