
Saturday, November 9, 2019

Purely Personal News From Wilson Daily Times, Nov. 8, 1919

From The Daily Times, Wilson, N.C., Nov. 8, 1919

Purely Personal

Miss Annie Sheppard Branch and Miss Dorothy Whitehead left yesterday for Kinston to visit Mrs. Fitzhughe Wallace.

The many friends will be glad to learn that Mrs. Lillian Perry is back home again from a recent illness.

Miss Callie Quarles is visiting relatives in Jacksonville, Fla.

Mr. B.L. Culbreth is spending his birthday with his son, Hubert, in Richmond.

Mrs. T.M. Meade of this city, who has been visiting friends in Greenville, N.C., returned home yesterday.

Miss Warren Entertains

Miss Ethel Warren delightfully entertained yesterday afternoon from 3:30 to 5:30 at a miscellaneous shower in honor of Miss Sudie Hackney. The Guests enjoyed a delightful afternoon either at cards or sewing. At the conclusion of the game they were invited into the dining room, which was attractive inits decorations of Hallowe’en pumpkins and Black Cats. The centerpiece was a hugh pumpkin which contained the gifts for the bride-elect.

A delicious salad course was served.

Meeting of the Thursday Afternoon Club

Miss Catherine McNair delightfully entertained the Thursday afternoon club from 3:30 to 5:30, Thursday afternoon. After an interesting game Miss Virginia Woodard was found to have made the highest score and Mrs. Herbert Ellis the highest guest score.

Delicious hot lunches were served. The guests of the club were Mrs. Tom Hackney, Mrs. Steve Anderson, Mrs. Herbert Ellis, Mrs. Tom Mears and Miss Virginia Ellis.

Dance Last Night

 The younger dancing set enjoyed a delightful dance at the country club last evening. Music was furnished by the Wilson Jazz Orchestra.

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