
Thursday, December 12, 2019

Business of Hertford County Commissioners, Dec. 12, 1919

From the Hertford County Herald, Ahoskie, N.C., Friday, Dec. 12, 1919

Meeting of Hertford County Commissioners

The Board of County Commissioners of Hertford County met on the 1st day of December, 1919. All members of the Board were present.

The committee on courthouse and tank and jail are continued.

The committee to build the bridge at Deep Creek is still continued.

The official bond of S.E. Vaughn presented to the Board which was unanimously accepted. Books of the Ahoskie township turned over to said Vaughn for collection of taxes.

T.T. Parker paid into the Board the sum of $20 and G.B. Storey the amount of $30 for hire of prisoners.

The Board examined, in compliance with the law, all bonds of the County officers which were passed or sufficient.

The Board received the sum of $24 as premiums from the fairs on products from the County Home and the Board voted unanimously to give the sum of $10 to Mr. M. Brown, keeper of the Home, as a reward.

On motion and carried, the taxes on $3,500 cotton listed by Jno. Jenkins, St. Johns township, is allowed refunded; said amount being a liability and cotton being in Norfolk; and said Jenkins taking the necessary oath.

On motion and carried Mr. C.W. Winborne is allowed refund of taxes on $200 error in listing.

On motion and carried J.H. Hall is refunded taxes on $800 in cotton the said Hall taking the necessary oath.

A petition received from the Board of Education asking for an election to be held in Murfreesboro Graded School District No. 1 and on motion and carried the following order, to-wit: An election is hereby ordered in Murfreesboro Graded School District No. 1 on the 6th day of January, 1920, in accordance with the provisions of chapter 55 public law 1915 of North Carolina, the amount of said bonds to be issued is $25,000, the rate of interest they are to bear 6 per cent, payable semi-annually, the length of the time the bonds are to run is 20 years and the tax is to be 30 cents on $100 valuation of property and 90 cents on the poll.

It is also ordered that a new registration be had in said school district and that C.W. Garner be Registrar for securing the new registration in said District, and that J.J. Parker and J.R. Evans be appointed Judges of that election.

On motion the Board votes to make an additional appropriation of $150 per year for Home Demonstration work.

It is ordered that the Clerk of the Board publish in the Hertford County Herald the law regarding the payment of dog taxes and the tax collectors to use every means possible to collect the tax and continue to collect.

The matter of selecting the Bank for County Treasurer was taken up and the Bank of Winton submitted proposition to pay 4 per cent on daily balances for all funds in their hands from the County, their bid being the highest, and the bank was declared the Treasurer.

The Board orders the Clerk of the Board to write the Boards of Road supervisors that they will be required to make report of their receipts and disbursements by the first Monday in January, 1920, and all failing to make said report will be reported to the Grand Jury at February term of court.

The farm demonstrator, E.W. Gaither, gave to the Board a recapitulation of his work as Demonstrator during the time he has been in the County.

All county officers made their official reports to the Board required by law.

Superintendent of Health made his monthly report.

The following accounts presented and ordered paid, to-wit:

J.H. Hines, repairs to Liverman’s mill, $294.45

A.S. Mitchell, services as Road Supervisor of Ahoskie, Building bridge Horse Swamp, $50
Board of Review, $63

R. Scull, Sheriff, salary to December 1st, $300

W.E. Cullens, salary, Supervisor, $150

W.E. Cullens, expense account for November, $104.06

M.M. Browne, amnt. paid for work, $2

J.A. Horton, work at county home, $10.60

J.T. Askew, work at Stoney Creek bridge, $31.50

Turner Taylor, work at Stoney Creek bridge, $16.50

Dan Browne, work at Stoney Creek bridge, $18

Paul Lewis, work at Stoney Creek bridge, $12

Jno. Parker, work at Stoney Creek bridge, $3

T.W. Hill, work at Stoney Creek bridge, $8

C.E. Boyette, services County Commissioner, 1919, $118.70

J.R. Evans, repairing gutters at courthouse, $100

J.M. Eley, services as County Commissioner, 1919, $144.96

Charlie Rountree, keeping Parkers’ ferry, November, $35

J.E. Jones, board, etc., prisoners, $19.35

F.G. Tayloe, Services County Commissioner, $48.90

Town of Winton, light bill, $1.50

Edwards and Broughton, stationery, Register of Deeds, $5.44

J.T. Barnes, lumber of Stoney Creek bridge, $119.12

Edwards and Broughton, stationery, C.S. Court, $6.18

Ernest W. Teague, tax book, $36.80

I.J. Debose, keeping B.H. ferry, November, $40

Askew Bros, supplies, $84.55

Ben Stephens, Hill’s ferry for November, $40

Matthew Wilson, Tar Landing ferry, November, $40

I.F. Snipes, services, Board of Review, $138.35

Jno. E. Vann, services on Financing committee, $10

Winton Cooperage Co., lumber for Winton ferry, $70.88

J.H. Hines, dressing lumber, $9

E.J. Gerock, supplies for County Home, $47.89

R.J. Britton, services as welfare officer, $41.66

W.D. Browne, services as colored demonstration agent, $10

F.G. Tayloe, extra services as County Commissioner, 1919, $55.40

W.M. Marsh, support to Mary Lassiter, $3

J.C. Benthall, support to Carter children, $1.50

Mrs. J.W. Minton, support for self, $3

C.E. Boyette, support for Mary Vaughan, $2

H.H. Taylor, support for Mrs. Hill, $5

H.V. Parker, support for Jno. Griffin, $3

Judie White, support for self, $3

Pauline Lassiter, support for self, $3

Adament Joyner, support for self, $2.50

Starkey Hare, support for Annie Burch, $5

Henry Lassiter, support for self, $5

S.J. Dilday, support to Dorsey Holloman, $4

Andrew Sessoms, support for self, $5

No further business before the Board, it adjourned to meet again on the first Monday in January, 1920.

--S.P. Winborne, Chairman
--Jno. A. Northcott, Clerk to Board

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