
Thursday, December 12, 2019

Women's and "Girls' Clubs Making Great Strides, Says Jane S. McKimmon, Dec. 12, 1919

From the Hertford County Herald, Ahoskie, N.C., Friday, Dec. 12, 1919. The women's and girls' clubs in this article are the earliest version of Home Demonstration Clubs for women and 4-H Clubs for girls. 

Women’s and Girls’ Clubs Are Active. . . Preliminary Report Shows Great Gains. . . Mrs. Jane S. McKimmon, Now in Charge of This Work, Makes Preliminary Report, Which Evidences Great Growth in Every Department

Raleigh, December 10—The preliminary report of Mrs. Jane S. McKimmon for the year 1919 shows that the girls and women enrolled in the club work of the Home Demonstration Division have again accomplished great things during the year. The work has been greatly extended, as there are now 62 counties organized with home agents in charge. They have established 666 woman’s clubs, 424 girls’ clubs and 226 community clubs, with a total membership of 77,194.

As to some of the things which these women and girls have accomplished, reports show that there were 1,966 poultry club members who raised 70,828 fowls. At the State Fair club members representing Anson County won $75 in premium money, and Mrs. A.M. Redfern reports that these members now have on hand a good supply of poultry and poultry products for sale and use during the winter. A number of the girls have stored eggs in waterglass for home use this winter.

Others, to the number of 588 girls and women, produced 54,612 pounds of butter, which they sold at an average price of 59 cents per pound.

In canning work, the preliminary report shows that 1362,890 quarts of vegetables and fruits, worth $405,242.83 were canned during the year; 37,070 pounds of vegetables worth $5,441.07 were dried; 45,151 pounds of fruits and vegetables worth $5,530.86 were brined during the same period.

It is not canning alone, however, that the girls and women in the home demonstration work have concerned themselves. At the present time the school teachers in many of the rural communities are cooperating with the home agents in giving demonstrations as to how to prepare and serve balanced meals and wholesome school lunches.

The shortage of help in the household has caused considerable interest to be shown in demonstrations of electrical plants for the operation of washing machines, church, home lighting systems and home water works. As a result of the activity of the home demonstration agents, at least 1,115 of these electrical plans have been put in, and to date 493 washing machines have been installed. Many other conveniences, as a result of this electrical power, have also been added to the farm houses.

Another new activity of the division which is proving to be very popular is the work with the muscadine type of grape. With the James variety, it is reported that club members in 11 counties have planted 2,274 vines during the year. Club members in 29 counties report that they have made 6,030 gallons of the grape juice and 1,744 gallons of other grape products.

Seventeen girls received scholarships in schools and colleges during the past year, while 272 are paying a part or all of their educational expenses by work, which they are doing in canning, basketry, grape culture or gardening.

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