
Friday, December 13, 2019

Deaths of Mrs. Bryson, Mr. Cook, Rev. Davis Noted, Dec. 13, 1919

From the Brevard News, Dec. 13, 1919. Last name was spelled Cook and Cooke in same article; I don’t know which is correct.

Death of Mrs. J.A. Bryson

Mrs. J.A. Bryson died at her home in Hendersonville last Tuesday after a lingering illness.
Owing to the absence of Chief of Police J.A. Bryson who had been at the bedside of his wife, only meager news of the death could be obtained.


Passing of Mr. Howard Cook

Howard Cooke died at his home on Broad street Friday night at 8 p.m. following a lingering illness. The deceased moved from Ohio to Rosman some 12 or 15 months ago and conducted a large lumber and milling interest in that section.

Mr. Cook has made his home in Brevard during the past four or five months and had greatly endeared himself to all with whom he came in contact. He is survived by his wife and one son.

Funeral services were conducted by Rev. C.E. Puett, interment was at Mount Mariah Cemetery.


Death of Rev. W.H. Davis

On Saturday morning, Dec. 6th, after a lingering illness of several months Rev. W.H. Davis of Pisgah Forest quietly passed away. All his children had been summoned home and were present when the end came. He is survived by his wife, Mrs. Natalie F. Davis, his son, Alton of Baltimore, Md., his daughters, Misses Mattie of Peace Institute at Raleigh and Mary McPhail who teaches at Pisgah Forest, Mrs. T.E. Patton of Pisgah Forest, and his step-daughter, Mrs. Earl Malden of Greenville, S.C. His brother, Mr. Orrin Davis of Salisbury was present also.

Funeral services were held at 3:30 o’clock Sunday afternoon at Davidson River church where he had so long labored as pastor and where he was greatly beloved. The church was packed with scarcely standing room in the aisles left with his many friends and admirers. The casket was banked with choice flowers and beautiful designs. Funeral services were conducted jointly by Rev. J.R. Hay, pastor of the church, Rev. R.P. Smith, D.D., of Asheville, and Rev. W.S. Hutchison of Mills River. The body was laid to rest in the Davidson River Cemetery, a spot sacred to him because there he had laid away in his ministry so many of his friends and loved ones of long ago.

The active pall-bearers were all officers of Davidson River church, as were several of the honorary pall-bearers. Active: H.H. Patton, J.A. Miller, W.H. Deaver, R.L. Gash, J.S. Patton, and Fred Harris. Honorary: T.T. Patton, J.L. Bell, T.S. Boswell, T.S. wood, W.E. Deaver, C.C. Patton, C.M. Siniard, J.G. Boswell and E.W. Blythe.

Mr. Davis was one of the oldest and best known citizens of Transylvania County. When a young man he was intimately identified with the life of the country while service as pastor of Davidson River Church and founder of Brevard Presbyterian Church. He was called to other churches and left the county, but was called back to Davidson River in late years. He served as pastor the second time until the summer of 1915 when he retired on account of advancing years. Transylvania is rich in debt to him for the best years of his life of service.

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