
Saturday, January 25, 2020

Brevard Subscribes to Railroad Survey for Brevard-Rosman-Seneca Line, Jan. 23,1920

From Brevard News, Friday, Jan. 23, 1920

Subscribes to Railroad Survey

As stated in the News last week, more enthusiasm and real interest is being shown by the citizens of Transylvania county in the proposed Brevard-Rosman-Seneca railroad and they are backing their views and enthusiasm with their money as will be seen by the following.

Motion Carried at Council Meeting of Town of Brevard, January 5, 1920

That the town pledge $200 towards a preliminary survey for a railroad into South Carolina provided the County subscribes $300 for the same purpose and individuals in the County make up the sum to $1,000 and this to be expended only in case the interested counties in South Carolina make up the total sum to $3,000. To be spent only in case a proper survey can be secured by the expenditure of that sum under the control of the committee.

The Brevard-Rosman-Seneca Railroad Committee, W.E. Breese, Chairman; Dr. C.W. Hunt; T.S. Wood; J.H. Pickelsimer; C.B. Deaver; J.W. Burnett; and R.R. Fisher.

Earnestly requests for the good of our County that you subscribe as liberally as possible to this fund needed to pay for a preliminary survey of this proposed railroad.

Our part will be about $2,000. Our South Carolina friends will raise a like amount.
The amount marked “paid” opposite your name will be your receipt.

We, the undersigned citizens of Transylvania County, for an in consideration of the mutual and several benefits which we will receive from the building of another line of Railroad connecting our County directly with some points or point in South Carolina hereinafter determined, to hereby agree to pay the amount set opposite our names to the presenter of this petition or to T.H. Shipman, Treasurer, for the purpose of securing an outline or preliminary survey of two or more feasible routes for said railroad from Brevard or some other point in Transylvania County to some point in Pickens, Oconee or Greenville Counties  in South Carolina as may be determined.

$10 Each

Brevard News
C.W. Hunt
J.H. Pickelsimer

W.E. Breese
T.S. Wood
T.J. Wilson

R.R. Fisher
J.R. Hamlin
W.P. Weilt

J.W. Allison
F.D. Clement
J.C. Seagle

George Philips
W.E. Bishop & Co.
L.C. Loftis

?.H. King
S.M. Macfie
C.E. Orr

H.R. Walker
C.C. Youngue
City Market

Harry P. Clark
J.F. Zachary
H.A. Plummer

W.A. Band
T.H. Shipman
C.H. Kluppelburg

R.R. Deaver
R.L. Gash
C.C. Duckworth

Thomas Smith
J.S. Bromfield
E.W. Blythe

Miller Supply Co.
J.L. Bell
W.H. Henry

V. Fontaine
R.S. Morrow
E. Paxton

Dr. E.L. English
C.K. Osborne
J.E. Ockerman

$5 Each

C.D. Chapman
J.E. Whitmire
A.M. White

E. Burge
C.B. Glazener
A.O. Kitchen

Dan Glazener
A.M. Paxton
M.J. Ownby

J.W. Smith
Cos Paxton
John Glazener
A.E. Hampton

$2 Each

J.H. Tinsley
J.E. Huggins

$1 Each

F.E. Whitmire

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