
Saturday, January 25, 2020

Work Begun on Court House Improvements, New Jail, Jan. 23, 1920

From Brevard News, Friday, Jan. 23, 1920

New Court House and County Jail

Both laborers and carpenters have commenced the falling of trees, the clearing of the ground and erecting the necessary temporary buildings on the court house grounds preparative to the additional building and improvement of the court house, and the erection of a new jail. Work on these buildings will be pushed just as fast as building material can be secured.

The additional room and improvement to the Court House and the erection of a new and up-to-date jail, have been needed for a long while but owing to the unsettled condition, scarcity of building material and labor, the commissioners did not deem it advisable to authorize the improvements until now. When completed, we will have a court house in keeping with similar buildings in adjoining counties.

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