
Tuesday, January 14, 2020

College Student Shares Resolutions For 1920

From The Guilfordian, Guilford College, January 14, 1920


We would do well to pause a moment for a bit of self analysis—did we do anything during the past year which should have been different? Did we shirk a duty and waste our time loafing when we should have been at work? Did we mope and sulk because we could not be the most important person on the campus? Did we get “sore” because somebody resented our “freshness?” Did we obtain something be some underhand method? If we have been guilty of any of these things—if we have been overcome by any petty temptation, let us earnestly resolve to take control of ourselves and set our mark toward really high and noble achievements.

We can open the new year with no better resolve than that we will throw ourselves into every good thing, whether we work or play, with a zest and enthusiasm which spells W-I-N. And finally let us resolve to live up to that resolution to make each day as it comes the best.

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