
Tuesday, January 14, 2020

Campus Notes From Guilford College, Jan. 14, 1920

From The Guilfordian, Guilford College, January 14, 1920

Campus Notes

We are glad to note several improvements in the buildings on the campus that go to show how the forward spirit is working at Guilford.

The president’s office is being remodeled and enlarged by moving the old stairway into the lower laboratories out into its proper place in the corridor. This enlarged the room so that it has been divided into two sections, making an inner office for the president and an outer for his secretary.
The roof on the power house, which was destroyed in the recent fire, has finally been completed.

The Southern Power Company is at last ready to begin work on the power line to Guilford, so we are expecting lights in a short while.

There were several old students and alumni on the campus last week and among these were Sherley N. White of Germanton, who, it will be remembered, left Guilford in the spring of 1917 to join the Marine Corps. As a member of the renouned Sixth Marines, Sherley won considerable fame for himself overseas. He is privileged not only to wear the coveted green fourrogerie of the French Croix de Guerre as a result of his brigade’s receiving two French army citations, but of also having received a divisional citation for personal bravery.

Joe Reddick, ’18, who is teaching in the Trinity High School, was also on the hill over Sunday.

John White, ’19, who is holding down a responsible position with a Winston commercial firm, spent Sunday on the campus.

Miss Clara Blair, ’19, of High Point, spent Sunday with Miss Lovett at Founders.

Roger Kiser, ’19, who is principal of the Germanton High School, stopped over for a few hours to see his brother Lee Saturday afternoon.

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