
Tuesday, January 14, 2020

Pinehurst In Tizzy When Trainload of Guests Arrives Two Hours Early, Jan. 14,1920

From The Pinehurst Outlook, Wednesday, Jan. 14, 1920

Advertisers Arrive at the First Faint Streak of Dawn

Those of us who were up early enough Saturday morning were treated to an unusual spectacle. The train from Aberdeen was two hours early. The natives residing along the railroad line rubbed their eyes in amazement at the sight of seven solid Pullman cars coming into town at this unheard of hour. A wise and far-seeing railroad executive had provided two locomotives and an extra baggage car to haul the advertising interests and their golf clubs up the hill from Aberdeen, but in the mad haste to get to these happy golfing grounds they failed to forewarn the management of the Carolina Hotel that they would be on hand for breakfast. And the result was that when the Winter Leaguers stepped forth from their train they found nary a soul to greet them, or a sign of life in the village.

Undismayed they began a mass attack on The Carolina. The one solitary bell hop on duty fainted at the sight of the invaders. The alarm was sounded. Clerks sprang to their posts. Commander Lacks dispatched the bus to the station to capture as many guests as could be found. The mountain of baggage and golf bags was no sooner unscrambled than the legions of the advertisers shifted their attack to the golf links, where they laid down a pitiless barrage of golf balls.

It is difficult to deal with such tactics. The Advertising Interests still held the fort. They refused to be dislodged from the golf links, and Pinehurst surrenders willingly.

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