
Thursday, January 2, 2020

J.E. Meacham,J.W. Nicholson, W.R. Dobbin Got New Cars for Xmas, 1919

From the Rockingham Post-Dispatch, Thursday afternoon, January 1, 1920

New Garage

West Bros. have moved into their handsome new garage, built by J.D. Cameron, on Main street, next to the Opera House. A detailed description of this new building will be given next issue.

And, by the way, these two West brothers are selling cars—and they are the kind who believe that unique newspaper advertising gets results. They sold J.E. Meacham a 490 Chevrolet on Xmas Eve—this as an Xmas gift from the “Old Man” to the family. And the half-page advt. in the Post-Dispatch of two weeks ago gets the credit of making the sale.

Other buyers of 490 Chevrolets Xmas were J.W. Nicholson and W.R. Dobbin—two good citizens who realize a good thing.

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