
Tuesday, February 18, 2020

Hickory to Lift Quarantine Monday, Feb. 18, 1920

From the Hickory Daily Record, Wednesday evening, February 18, 1920

Lift Quarantine Early Monday Morning

After considerable discussion of the question, city council voted unanimously last night to raise the influenza quarantine on Monday morning at 8 o’clock and all citizens of Hickory will govern themselves accordingly. Messrs. Watson and Lyerly did not vote when the motion was first put, Councilman Watson feeling that the raising of the ban should be conditional and Councilman Lyerly believing that it would be well to permit the opening of the churches on Sunday. The differences were removed, however, and the vote was unanimous.

This action followed a presentation of the situation by Dr. H.C. Menzies, city health officer, who stated that the quarantine undoubtedly stayed the disease and who made the point which was concurred in by others, that if it had prevented a single death it was worth the sacrifice. There has not been a death in Hickory, though several deaths have occurred in the suburbs and country, and the disease is confined almost exclusively to the suburbs where quarantine has not been effective. In the city proper the quarantine has stopped the spread.

Dr. Menzies expressed the opinion that if there should be 200 cases here by Saturday or Sunday, it would be useless to continue quarantine, a point he made when the question was first raised for the disease already would have got a start and closing churches, schools and amusement places could not check it. He said from a health standpoint that quarantine had been a success. The results speak for themselves.

Mayor Elliott said that Hickory might have lost a dozen good men and women during the past two weeks and personally he favored extension of the quarantine, though realizing the hardships it caused on business, schools and churches.

The motion to open Monday at 8 a.m. was made by Councilman Cilley, was seconded by Councilman Abernathy and after further discussion was carried by unanimous vote.

A petition to grade and macadamize Fourteenth street from Nineth avenue to Eighth avenue was received, adopted and the work ordered done in proper time. The petitioners were F.A. Abernethy, W.A. Dystart, Hickory, Overall Company, Mrs. A. Bourbonnais and J.S. Tipton.

Another petition was received for the opening of a street from Twenty-second street to West Hickory line was referred to the street committee with power to act. The petitioners were J.A. Whitener, M.E. Davidson and R.W. Miller.

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