
Wednesday, February 12, 2020

On The Sick List in High Point, N.C., Feb. 12, 1920

From The Review, High Point, N.C., Feb. 12, 1920

On the Sick List

C.B. Spell is seriously ill at his home here with influenza.

J.L. Chernault has been quite ill at his home on Richardson street. He has been confined for several days.

John A. Holmes of the Welborn Furniture company is suffering from an attack of la grippe.

Miss Mabel Ivey is ill at the home of Mrs. Brown on West High street with influenza.

Mrs. John W. Price is confined to her apartment in the Redding building with la grippe.

Mrs. Al Moffitt, who has been ill for several days at her home on Richardson street, is reported improved.

John McIntyre and two other members of his family who have been ill with influenza are better.

Mrs. Helen Spivey is ill with influenza.

George Sheffield, who has been sick with influenza, was reported improving today.

Rev. P.D. Brown is confined to his home with illness.

Mrs. A.S. Parker is ill with influenza.

Allan Crowson, son of Mr. and Mrs. M.C. Crowson, who has been confined for several days to his home on Rowland Park on account of the influenza, is recovering.

Mr. and Mrs. W.D. Brooks and daughter, Miss Emily, are improving from a siege of the flu.

Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Jarrett have been confined to their home with the influenza.

Mrs. Will Snow and son, William, are ill with la grippe.

Misses Jennie and Annie Miner are confined to their rooms with la grippe.

J. Wesley Smith is improving from an attack of influenza.

Mrs. William P. Ragan and two of her sons, Edward and W.P. Jr., are ill at their home on West High street.

A.E. Wall is confined to his home on Willowbrook street with influenza.

Miss Lillian Smith, daughter of W.L. Smith, has been confined to her home with influenza.

Mrs. S.D. Clapp and son, Paul, are suffering from the influenza at their home on Willowbrook street.

Hugh Hamilton, Hamilton street, returned to his home here Friday from Davidson on account of the flu situation there.

Miss Alice Riddick is much better after having been quite ill for several days with the influenza.

Little Joseph Weaver Jr. and sister Betty Gwinn, children of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Weaver, Roland Park, are ill at their home.

Mrs. A.M. Greer is rapidly recovering from an operation which she underwent last week at High Point hospital.

Aunt Lizzie Hargrave is sick.

Manager Crooks of Efird’s has the flu, sorry to note.

Cletus Chadwick, aged 24, died of flu at Jamestown Tuesday.

The editor’s entire family, including negro cook and wash woman, have and are feeling the effects of flu and event the cats and other domestics around the place appear to have a sympathetic ailment.

F.B. Stoner is improving after an illness of several days.

Miss Mildred Massey is improving after suffering from a severe attack of influenza.

Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Jarrett are much better after having been confined to their home on Main Street for the past week with influenza.

Miss Viola Foust is suffering with a severe cold.

Henry Poole returned Sunday night from Granite Quarry where he went to attend the funeral of his sister, Mrs. Cora Holselser, who died at her home there Saturday and was buried Sunday.

Mrs. T.E. McGee is ill at her home on East Green Street.

Mrs. Frank Gurley is confined to her home on West Green street with a severe cold.

Ernest Beck, who has been very ill of the influenza is improving.

Mrs. J.M. Cross, who has been visiting her brother, C.M. Cecil of Greensboro, who has been quite ill of influenza, returned Friday afternoon to her home here.

Mrs. J.V. Wilson is confined to her home on Lindsay street with an attack of the influenza.

The friends here of Misses Josephine Wood and Mary Ring will regret to learn that they are both suffering of influenza, being confined to their rooms at Greensboro College for Women.

Miss Esther Minard is ill with the influenza, it was announced this morning.

Miss E.L. Stoner, who has been confined to her home for the past week, still continues ill.

Don Stone, 38, Dies of Tuberculosis

Funeral services over the remains of Don F. Stone, aged 38 years, who died of tuberculosis at Asheville Wednesday, were held at the grave in Oakwood cemetery Saturday afternoon at 2 o’clock, conducted by Rev. J.A. Clarke, pastor of the First Baptist Church.

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