
Wednesday, February 19, 2020

Transportation Improvements, February 19, 1920

From The Watauga Democrat, Boone, N.C., Thursday, Feb. 19, 1920

To Complete E. & A. to Jefferson

Plans are on foot to organize a company to take over the Elkin & Alleghany railroad and complete it to Jefferson, a distance of 75 miles. About 16 miles of the road are in operation, while about 20 more have been graded. It will be recalled that last fall the road and its equipment was sold at a receiver’s sale and was bid in by H.G. Chatham and associates, who have secured a charter with $2 million authorized capital. This is regarded now as one of the best railroad propositions in the State.


From The Watauga Democrat, Boone, N.C., Thursday, Feb. 19, 1920

Improved Air Service

Construction of the two biggest airplanes in the world is planned by the navy department, the House naval affairs committee was told by Capt. T.T. Craven director of naval aviation who submitted a program calling for $12,890,000 for the fiscal year 1920.

The two giant seaplanes, twice the side of the trans-Atlantic NC-4, would cost $636,000, he says.
The machines would have a capacity of 30 tons, a wing spread of 140 feet and would be capable of weathering high seas if forced to land on the water.

Capt. Craven also asked that Congress provide $10 million for new air stations; $7.6 million for maintenance of existing stations, and $7 million for experiments.


From The Watauga Democrat, Boone, N.C., Thursday, Feb. 19, 1920

Work On the Boone and Blowing Rock Road to Begin

An engineering crew representing the State Highway Commission arrived at Blowing Rock the first of the week to begin work on the relocation of the Boone and Blowing Rock Turnpike. It will be recalled that the County Road Commission signed a contract with the State Highway Commission two months ago for the rebuilding of this important road, one half of the funds to be furnished by the Federal Government, one fourth by the State and remaining one fourth by the County. Under the 1919 Road Law the engineering will be done at the expense of the State. Very few material changes, we are told, will be made in the present location. It is the intention to begin work on this road as soon as the survey can be completed and approved. The road will be surfaced with gravel.

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