
Thursday, March 26, 2020

Name New Fishing Pond and Get $5 Gold Coin, March 26, 1920

From The Franklin Times, Louisburg, N.C., Friday, March 26, 1920

Lake Douglass In Honor of Mr. “Dug” Mitchiner. . . Among the Many Names Suggested for the New Fish Pond. . . Many Other Names of Appropriate Nature

Naming the new fish pond just completed by Messrs. Mitchiner and Banks has proved to be quite an interesting and popular undertaking on the part of the public. Quite a lot of names suggested are appropriate and laden with honor, interest and good fellowship, while others are not quite so good. 

There has been no time limit placed on the sending in of names to Dr. C.H. Banks, Louisburg, N.C., but it is desired that all names be sent in as soon as possible that the selecting of a name for the pond may be expedited. The list sent in so far is as follows:

Lake Douglass

I have suggested Lake Douglass as a most fitting name for The Fish Pond and assign the following reasons wh;ich will suggest the power of sentiment as an element in human conduct.

The conception of this large investment of money was founded upon sentiment, which is an attribute of the soul and mind in man. Sentiment aroused produces emotion, emotion action, thus the construction of the greatest pleasure and recreation project that was ever undertaken in Franklin Co. My idea is that the lake should be called the full, euphonious Douglass, the person to whom it is a memorial, because of his great loving heart and attractive personality which drew people so close to him and which such binding force. The people who knew him wanted to use a more familiar and endearing term in addressing him, so they called him “Dug” Mitchiner. I believe it was largely the love and admiration the family had for this great man that caused them to unconsciously build a memorial which will perpetuate his memory in the hearts and minds of all who came in contact with him.

He was a man of big ideals and a man who undertook and accomplished great things. His diversion from the every day cares of life was found in the most innocent and less expensive of all real sports, fishing. Mr. Mitchiner loved all created things but his fellowman most, was a real comrade, would have his friends enjoy his sports with him, and provide for their pleasure more than his own. It was a great pleasure to tell how John had caught more and larger fish than he had. We expect to see this Lake one of the show places of this section of the State, motor boats, pavilions and all the beautiful things that nature provides and man creates around a lake of clear pure water.

I anticipate the joint owners will all combine with their means and best of all their good fellowship to make this the great future cementing place for many of life’s strongest and most lasting friendships and may be many romances will be staged here.
--D.T. Smithwick
I saw your item in the Franklin Times wanting the people to send in names for Bro. Mitchiner’s new pond, and I think this one right pretty, Mitchiner’s Charity Fisherie.
--Bessie Coggin, R.F.D. 4, Louisburg, N.C.
My suggestion for the name of the new pond is Lake Buffaloe.
--J.S. Morris, Franklinton, N.C.
I suggest the name for the fish pond be Lake Mitchiner or Mitchiner’s Lake. This will be in memory of Mitchiners.
--C.S. Williams, Franklinton, N.C.
I would suggest the name of the new pond be Lake Walden, in commemoration of one of the Country’s greatest fishermen.
--W.R. Mills, Louisburg, N.C.
I am sending a name. Hope it may win. The name I suggest is Mitchiners Highway Stock Pond.
--Mrs. Nettie Hoyle
May I suggest a name for the great pond. The last of Mitchiner and the first part of Louisburg, Chinerlouis.
Mrs. M.J. Dent, R 2, Box 68, Youngsville, N.C.
I notice in the Franklin Times a reward of five dollars in gold for the person sending the most suitable name for the new fish pond. I for one suggest, Wilson’s Pond. It’s a great pond and he is a famous man so name the pond for Wilson Fame. I also think Campbells Pond is a good name.
--Mrs. B.F. Hinton, Youngsville, N.C.
I saw in the Franklin Times that you were offering five dollars in gold for the one sending the most suitable name. I have diced on Fisherman’s View, as it is a pretty view and there will be a lot of fishing on it.
--Johnnie Wheless, R 1, Louisburg, N.C.
I suggest the name for the pond as Lake Douglass. My wishes Lake Festus.
--W.R. Winston, Franklinton, N.C.
Name for pond, Fishing Lake.
--Sam Mitchiner
Having seen your advertisement in our paper, wanting a suitable name for your fish poind, will put my bid in as follows, The Bonanza Fish Pond.
--G.W. Hawks, Louisburg, N.C.
I would suggest Lake View as the name for the new pond, derived from the beautiful view from the stately hill nearby.
--John Wilder

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