
Friday, March 27, 2020

Tom Williams Suspect in Series of Thefts From Homes, March 27, 1920

From the Hickory Daily Record, March 27, 1920

Negro Arrested

Tom Williams, a negro who gave his home as Charlotte or Winston-Salem, was arrested here last night by Chief of Police Lentz and turned over to Newton officers, who want him for the larceny of a lot of jewelry from the home of Dr. W.C. Raymer, a dentist there. Dr. Raymer came to Hickory and identified the articles, which were valued at $200 or more. Williams said he bought them at a ten cent store, but as Dr. Raymer’s initials were carved on some of them identification was easy.

Chief Lentz arrested Williams on suspicion. Somebody had broken into Mrs. Lon Setzer’s house here Thursday night and made off with $5 and a pistol. The weapon was not found on Williams’ person and there was no way of identifying the money. The jewelry, however, was found in abundance and the officer soon learned where it came from.

Statesville also put in a claim for Williams, who has said to have been robbing houses there. His plan was to ship the stolen goods to Charlotte. Newton had the first call on him, however, and he will be tried in county court.

It is believed that Williams is the main factor in a looting combination that has been active in many towns and cities in this section.

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