
Saturday, April 11, 2020

Annual Banquet of Elizabeth City Chamber of Commerce, April 9, 1920

From the front page of The Independent, Elizabeth City, N.C., Friday, April 9, 1920.

Feast of Good Things Tonight. . . Annual Banquet of Chamber of Commerce Promises to be Stellar Event

The annual dinner of the Elizabeth City Chamber of Commerce to be held in the Masonic Hall this evening promises to be the biggest and most excellent social even of this or any other season. The menu as well as program smacks of more good things than were ever before assembled at one community gathering.

The guests and speakers at to-night’s dinner will be Rev. C.A. Ashby, pastor of the Church of the Good Shepherd of Raleigh, N.C., and formerly pastor of Christ Church of this city, Major General W.S. McNair, Commander of Camp Bragg, Fayetteville, N.C.; Rev. Rob White Jr., Chaplain of the 21st Field Artillery, U.S.A.; Rev. E.L. Cole, pastor of Salem Baptist Church; Hon. E.F. Aydlett and Col. I.M. Meekins. President Harry G Kramer will be the toastmaster.

The dinner will not be an all talk-fest; there will be music to enliven things between rounds, under the direction of Frank R. Hufty, Music Director of Christ Church. The music will consist of several choruses by a picked choir and vocal solos by Mrs. Wesley Foreman and Miss Virginia Hufty. Several instrumental musical numbers will be rendered by the Alkrama Theatre Orchestra. From the number of good things in store it would not be unreasonable to expect the dinner to last from 7 p.m till midnight.

The committee in charge of the event is composed of J.T. McCabe, Chairman; T.T. Turner, J.T. Stalling;s, A.R. Nicholson; Mesdames Carl Blades, Howard Kramer and Thorburn Bennett.

It is estimated there will be more than 200 covers laid for the banquet.

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