
Sunday, April 12, 2020

Revivals Announced for Hickory and Louisburg, N.C., April 9 and 12, 1920

From the front page of the Hickory Daily News, April 12, 1920

Baxter McLendon Coming to Hickory

Rev. Baxter F. McLendon of Bennettsville, S.C., well-known evangelist, will hold a series of meetings under his big tent in Hickory beginning May 23, it has been announced. He will come under the auspices of several Hickory churches and will bring a half a dozen workers with him.

Mr. McLendon, or “Mack,” as he calls himself, was formerly a barber and morally he was not the best barber in the world. He became converted and is devoting all of his tremendous force and energy in the preaching of the gospel and wherever he has held meetings, much good has resulted. His converts in Raleigh and Wadesboro, two recent meeting places, ran into the hundreds. He never worries about finances.

Preparations will be made by the churches here to give Mr. McLendon a warm welcome.


From the front page of the Franklin Times, Louisburg, N.C., April 9, 1920. The headline disagrees with the content of the story. That’s the way it was printed. I don’t know which is correct. Also, the word “christian” was consistently lowercase in the article. To see photos of Rev. F.S. Love and E.L. Wolslager, go to

Union Revival Meeting to Begin in Louisburg Sunday Morning. . . The First Week Will be Held at the Baptist Church, Rev. F.S. Love Preaching, Second Week at Methodist Church, Rev. T.D. Collins, preaching. . . E.L. Wolslager Singing

Rev. F.S. Love, President, Louisburg Female College, will preach at the beginning of the Union Revival at Baptist Church beginning Sunday.

The Union Revival Services to begin in Louisburg Sunday, April 11th, will be commenced at the Baptist Church at 11 o’clock.

Mr. E.L. Wolslagel, the noted soloist and choral director in charge of the music. Dr. F.S. Love, who is an unusually earnest and forceful Gospel preacher, will preach. T.D. Collins, pastor of the Baptist Church, will preach the second week.  Rev. G.F. Smith, pastor of the Methodist Church, will have charge of prayer meetings and personal work. The members of all the churches are uniting in this campaign.

With all these forces thoroughly consecrated to the Master we should be able to go over the top into “No Man’s Land” of sin and rescue numbers of lost souls.

Though the struggle had been raging for many months, the enemy was still strongly entrenched and seemingly undaunted. The attacking forces had lacked unity of command and endeavor. A Generalissimo was appointed, concerted action was brought to bear upon the foe, and his defense soon crumbled and an armistice was called for.

 In UNITY was found strength. It is to be hoped that the christian forces of Louisburg and vicinity may become a unit under the direct command of Christ, the captain of our salvation, and go into action with the big idea of bringing every lost soul back into the camp of the Savior.

The Devil is never happier than when he can get God’s people contending against each other, and unnoticed he gets away with the swag. For the time being the community should be divided into two classes, the IN’s and the OUT’s, the Have’s and the Have Not’s, the Saved and the Unsaved. It is a commonly accepted fact that there is no half-way ground. Regardless of personal profession or opinion of others we must be one or the other.

It is to be hoped that every christian may be more deeply grounded in the love of Christ, and every unsaved person may at least have the claims of Jesus faithfully presented to them.

In comparison to the all important subject of salvation, everything else takes second place. Therefore let the meetings take their proper place and all other claims be held in the background for these two weeks. Let homes and business be conducted so as to get most out of this great harvesting season. “For what doth it profit a man if he gain the whole world and lose his own soul.”

To prevent sickness and death, the health department speaks of “Clean-Up Week.” For the same reason in a spiritual realm such a campaign is badly needed. When any citizen fails to conform to the law of sanitation, the health of his neighbor is endangered. Just so we should be very careful of our influence upon others.

Let every christian be present at all services, standing at attention, ready to obey the command of the great leader.

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