
Thursday, April 16, 2020

Local Doings in Farmville, N.C., Published April 16, 1920

From the April 16, 1920 issue of The Farmville Enterprise.

Locals and Personals of Interest to Farmville and Surrounding Areas

Through the kindness of Mr. Bloom, Farmville’s latest comer in the business section, we can invite the public to luncheon and tea on Thursday which will be served in the rear of Mr. Bloom’s store by the Episcopal Auxilliary until further notice.

Mr. A.K. Parsons of Andrews, S.C., spent a few days here this week.

Messrs. M.V. Horton and A.H. Joyner spent Monday night in Washington.

Mr. Jack P. Lang returned home Monday from a business visit to Washington, D.C.

The graduating exercises of the Atlantic Christian College, Wilson, will take place Friday night, April 23rd, and Miss Ada Gray Dixon of this place, who is among the graduates this year, extends to all her friends here and elsewhere a most cordial invitation to be present. On account of delay in getting out the program we regret not being able to publish same this week, however, we take the liberty to state an evening of real high class entertainment will be enjoyed by all who are fortunate enough to attend these exercises.

Mr. J.M. Hobgood spent a few days in Norfolk last week, returning home Saturday.

Mrs. D.E. Oglesby and children have returned home from a visit to relatives in Columbia.

Mrs. T.C. Turnage has returned home from a hospital in Richmond much improved in health.

Among those attending the Automobile show in Raleigh this week, we note as follows: Messrs. J.O. Pollard, J.W. Hardy, B.O. Tayilor, J.G. Smith, Tab Skinner, Loyd Smith, W.J. Rasberry, McD. Horton, W.C. Askew, J.L. Marshall, R.A. Parker, R.A. Bynum, B.O. Turnage and C.R. Townsend.

Mrs. H.P. Moseley, Mrs. Paul E. Jones, and Mr. and Mrs. L.T. Pierce were Raleigh visitors Thursday.

Miss Elizabeth Clark of Washington spent the week-end last in Farmville the guest of Mrs. J.T. Harris.

Mrs. Jack P. Lang and Mrs. J.Y. Monk motored over to Tarboro Friday to meet Mr. Monk, enroute home from Norfolk.

The Mason Stoek Co. comes to Farmville next week with an entirely new program, consisting of the latest songs, good dancing and comic actors. Beginning Monday, April 19th, there will be Vaudeville attractions every evening and an entire change of program each night.

Mr. and Mrs. T.E. Joyner, Mrs. W.G. Sheppard, Miss Annie Laura Lang and Mr. Ralph Cureton were Kinston visitors Friday.

Mr. Rupert Allen, son of F.L. Allen, returned home this week from Raleigh where he has been undergoing treatment for an abscess on his lung.

Mrs. John Atwell and children of Greensboro and Miss Winnifred Harper of Snow Hill are the week-end guests of Mrs. G.A. Rouse.

Mrs. J.W. Parker, Mrs. Ed Warren, Mrs. W.C. Askew, Mrs. Annie R. Lang, Mrs. J.Y. Monk, Miss Annie Perkins, and Mrs. Jack P. Lang attended a meeting of the Federation of Woman’s Clubs held in Washington Thursday.

Mr. and Mrs. G.A. Rouse and little daughter, accompanied by Mr. and Mrs. G.M. Holden and Mr. R.H. Knott, motored over to Raleigh Monday where they spent a few days the guests of relatives and friends. They returned Wednesday night.

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