
Sunday, September 27, 2020

Bigamist Harry Wilson Held in Kinston Jail, Sept. 27, 1920

Mrs. Harry Wilson of Norfolk Va., and Mrs. Harry Wilson of Kinston became brides two years apart to the day. Mrs. Wilson of Norfolk was marred April 19, 1920, according to official documents in the possession of Police Chief Bursell here. Mr. Wilson, husband of both, is in jail. The authorities today did not know the exact whereabouts of Messdames Wilson, but it would not surprise them to learn that they were together. The last seen of them by the police when Mrs, Wilson and Mrs. Wilson left arm in arm, The case got the personal attention of Chief Bursell. He located Wilson and told him, "Your wife is here." "Which one of them?" Wilson asked Bursell, according to the latter. When he wase locked up the first Mrs. Wilson interested herself in trying to get bail for him. She was unsuccessful. Then the first Mrs. Wilson and the seond Mrs. Wilson got together and called the jail to see him. Other prisoners told bursell that Mrs. Wilson I asked their huspand for "the truth--which did he love best?" Mr. Wilson, according to those who overheard the conversation, slowly, solemnly, accenting his syllabloesw anhd wearing an earnest expression on his contenance, declared that he did not want anything further to do with "no blan-blan women." Wilson may be given a preliminary hearing tomorrow, If held will probably be tried in Superior court next month. The police say he will probably be unable to give bond. (From the front page of the Hickory Daily Record, Monday, September 27, 1920)

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