
Saturday, November 14, 2020

B.A. Kizer's Store Totally Destroyed by Fire, November 1920

A serious loss was sustained last Monday night when the store of Mr. B.A. Kizer, which was situated on the Providence Cross Roads, near Weddington, was totally destroyed by fire, says the Waxhaw Enterprise. It is not known how the flames, which were discovered about 2 o'clock in the morning originated. The building, estimated as worth $2,000, and the stock of merchandise, valued at $5,000, were entirely consumed, also the entire equipment of the Woodmen of the World lodge that was situated on the second floor. The presence of an underground gasoline station that had been built very near the store prevented the neighbors of Mr. Kizer from fighting the flames effectively. Although the gasoline did not, in fact, ignite, they were afraid to remain near the building,as they did not know but that it might have done so at any moment, with serious results to those who happened to be near. It is not known just what fire insurance, if any, was carried on the property, but it is supposed to have been very little, if any at all. (From the Monroe Journal, Nov. 12, 1920)

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