
Saturday, November 14, 2020

Mayor Elliott's Appeal for Red Cross, Nov. 13, 1920

J.D. Elliott, Mayor, City of Hickory: "I cannot urge to strongly the claims for the Red Cross to the hearty support of the men and women of this city. Next Thursday, November 18, has been set apart as the day when a whirlwind canvass will be made for members in the City of Hickory, and such a day is hereby proclaimed to be Red Cross Day. "The record of the Red Cross during the war is a glorious one, and the universal tribute of praise which it has called forth is more than merited. And the Red Cross care for the victims of disaster in peace as well as in war. It is not only worthy of support, but it is the duty of each of us to support it to the full extent of our ability. Join the Red Cross, or renew your membership during the Red Cross Fourth Roll Call and thereby prove your appreciation of its humane work, and your consifence in its splendid purposes." (From the Hickory Daily Record, Saturday evening, Nov. 13, 1920)

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