
Saturday, November 28, 2020

Newton High Schoolers Present Thanksgiving Program, Nov. 27, 1920

Newton, Nov. 27—A most delightful Thanksgiving program was rendered by the members of the high school department of the Newton graded schools on Wednesday morning at 10 o’clock. The President’s proclamation was read by Norris Hoyle, and “Causes Why America Should Be Thankful” was the title of a splendid paper by Miss Margaret Feimster. Miss Maybelle Setzer gave a Thanksgiving poem and Miss Brandon Gamble recited “Polly’s Thanksgiving.” Prof. M.S. Beam, the superintendent, made a splendid talk which was enjoyed by all present. $200 was raised by the school for the Polish relief fund. In the afternoon a wagon load of good things was sent to the inmates of the county home. (From the Hickory Daily Record, Nov. 27, 1920)

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