
Saturday, November 28, 2020

Woman's Club of Newton Honors Graded School Faculty, Nov. 27, 1920

Newton, Nov. 27—The members of the faculty of the Newton graded schools were honorees at a brilliant reception at the Junior Hall on Friday evening from 8 till 11 o’clock given by the Woman’s Club of Newton. The guests were met at the top of the stairs by Mrs. Gordon Wilfong and shown to the cloak rooms. At the main entrance Mr. Wilfong Yount welcomed the guests, who were introduced to the receiving line by Mrs. J. Yates Killian. The receiving line was composed of Mrs. L.F. Long, president of the Woman’s Club; Mrs. W.R. Abernethy, chair of the Civics department; Prof. M.S. Beam, superintendent of the graded schools; Miss Ethel Wood, principal of the schools; Misses Mabel Lovin, Annie Tuttle, Fay Gladen, Thelma Robinson, Olive duke, Freddie Hoover, Annie Whitener, Sara Townsend, Helen Long, Kate Warlick, Eula Yount, Isla Hunsucker. Mrs. Grover Murray escorted the guests to the punch bowls, presided over by Mesdames J.A. Gaither, Sid Smyre, R.B. Knox and George Moose. More than 150 guests were present. Delicious refreshments were served, consisting of cream cake and coffee. (From the Hickory Daily Record, Nov. 27, 1920)

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