
Thursday, December 31, 2020

Negroes Deserved Medal for Thrashing George Moore, Dec. 31, 1920

Negroes Fined $1 Each for Thrashing White Man. . . But in This Case They Should Have Been Awarded Medals for a Good Deed-- George Moore, a white man, was taken into a cornfield near Wilson, N.C., by four Negroes one day this week and given a sound thrashing. The black men tanned his hide in the good old fashioned way and then turned him loose. They had caught Moore in bed with a woman of their own race and instead of lynching him, the what folk’s way of dealing with such cases, they gave him a liberal dose of strap oil and told him to let their women alone. The Negroes were arrested and tried for assault. The judged fined them $1 each. (From the front page of The Independent, Elizabeth City, N.C., Friday, Dec. 31, 1920)

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