
Thursday, December 31, 2020

W.O. Saunders Wishes You a Peaceful, Happy, Profitable New Year, Dec. 31, 1920

The Independent wishes you a peaceful, happy, profitable New Year. I purposely avoid wishing you a prosperous New Year. We have had too much prosperity and profited too little by it. I like the word profitable better. Let us profit this year by the mistakes of the years behind us. Let us learn to live less hurriedly, to work more patiently and conserve our resources. Let us make the best of what we have and covet nothing that is the other fellow’s. Let us be industrious without overworking, economical with being stingy, joyful without getting frivolous; and let’s find more time to be socially helpful and kind. With such a program we could make any year a profitable year. An so I wish you a profitable New Year. (From the editorial page of The Independent, Elizabeth City, N.C., Friday, Dec. 31, 1920, W.O. Saunders, Editor

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