
Tuesday, February 23, 2021

Exploding Oil Stove Damages Drum's Cafe, Feb. 23, 1921

Both fire trucks were called to Drum’s Cafe this afternoon about 2:15 o’clock to put out a blaze caused by an explosion of an oil stove in the room above the cafe. The blaze appeared to be stubborn, and a thick smoke was issuing from the upstairs apartment when the trucks reached the scene but the firemen soon had everything under control. Three streams were played upon the blaze.

No one was in the upstairs apartment when the explosion occurred.

The extent of the damage had not been learned when the paper went to press this afternoon but it was thought that the greatest damage would be caused by smoke and water. The fire was confined to the upstairs, the cafe beneath suffering some damage of water, which trickled through the floors. The dining tables and furniture were removed. Water also dripped into the rear of the Grimes Drug Store, but no damage resulted.

From the Hickory Daily Record, Feb. 23, 1921

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