
Tuesday, February 23, 2021

Henry Ford's Accusations of Jews Is 'Tragedy of Ignorance,' Feb. 23, 1921

Henry Ford has tremendously shocked many people who had admired is idealism by his “educational campaign concerning Jews as the cause of war.” He disclaims any racial antipathy; the Jew is Mr. Ford’s brother. But he has been seized with a vary dangerous obsession to the effect that the so-called international Jew, or international banker and capitalist, profits by war and is the real cause of war. In exposing Jewish capitalism, Mr. For imagines that he is helping to avert future wars. He assumes that he is attacking nobody on racial grounds; the only mission of the broadsides in criticism of the Jewish financier and promoter being printed in Mr. Ford’s Weekly paper is to open the eyes of the Jews themselves.

The hypothesis which the Ford weekly is attempting to sustain is fantastic beyond the ordinary aberitions of men of great weal and public prominence. Socialists, tightly tied to their dogma of the economic interpretations of history, seek to make the capitalists and the profiteer responsible for the world war, in the same way that they seek to make capitalism responsible for all wars. But Mr. Ford, himself one of the richest men on earth, fastens on the Jewish financier and loads upon him alone the blame for the cause of war. The humble, shrinking and dull-witted Gentile financier figures only as a secondary agent to the militarist Bedlam—and even then he has Jewish connections.

Many will give up Mr. Ford after this. He is apparently demonstrating that his social ideals must be sterilized before being taken. The performance is a tragedy of ignorance in which Henry Ford is the chief victim.

From the Springfield Republican, as reprinted in the Hickory Daily Record, Feb. 23, 1921

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