
Friday, April 23, 2021

A.L. Faul Leaving Y.M.C.A. Post, April 23, 1921

Faul Resigns His Post at Y.M.C.A.

The resignation of A.L. Faul, physical director of the Y.M.C.A., to take effect June 1, was accepted by the governing board in session Friday afternoon.

Mr. Faul, who has been in charge of the association gymnasium work in this city for 12 years, will become associated with the Myers Hardware company on East Trade street. He will be a partner in the company, and will be interested in the sporting goods end of the business.

Since coming to Charlotte, Mr. Faul has been actively interested in many phases of the city’s amateur sport life. Several years ago he aided in organizing the city league baseball clubs, and has promoted many tennis championship matches. He served as coach of the basket ball teams of the high school in addition to directing indoor teams of the local “Y.”

The resignation was accepted by the directors with regrets. It was declared that his services to the association had been of the highest order, and their appreciation was extended to the retiring director.

Steps will be taken at once to secure a successor to Mr. Faul.

From The Charlotte News, Saturday, April 23, 1921

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