
Friday, April 23, 2021

Miss Caldwell Shares Charlotte's Society News, April 23, 1921

Society News by Miss Adelaid Pearson Caldwell, Social Editor, Phone 277

Party for Tot Class

A very interesting affair is the porch party to be given at the home of Mrs. Frank Herz on South Boulevard, Dilworth, Saturday afternoon by Miss Zena Morrell, physical director of the Y.W.C.A., for her “tot class” composed of little girls from 5 to 8 years of age.

The wide porch of Mrs. Herz’s home will be prettily decorated with potted plants and a profusion of spring flowers, and games will be enjoyed by the little folks.

Ice cream, cake and candies will be served.

Mrs. Herz will assist Miss Morrell in entertaining.

Dinner-Dance at Country Club

The regular Saturday night dinner and dance at the Charlotte Country Club will take place Saturday night, dinner from 6:30 to 8 and dancing from 9 to 12. Several charming little dinner parties will be given.

Music for the dance will be furnished by Professor Marshall and his orchestra.

Mrs. Hull to Entertain

A delightful event of Saturday is the luncheon to be given of Mrs. Joseph Hull Jr. At the Charlotte Country Club at 1 o’clock, honoring her mother, Mrs. Lockwood Jones, who has been in Washington for the winter, and Mrs. George Dial of Columbia, S.C., guest of Rev. E.A. Penick and Mrs. Penick, the latter her daughter.

Cook-Rea Nuptials

Miss Pauline Rea and T.M. Cook were quietly married Tuesday evening at 8 o’clock by Rev. J.F. Falls. The young couple had kept their engagement a secret, and their marriage comes as a complete surprise to their many friends.

The bride was pretty in a dark blue tricotine traveling suit, with dark hat, and carried an arm bouquet of bride’s roses and maiden-hair ferns.

The bride is the youngest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. A.M. Rea, prominent citizens of Sharon township. She is pretty, attractive, and cultured, and possesses many friends.

Mr. Cook is the son of Mr. and Mrs. J.C. Cook, and a promising young business man. He takes an active part in the work of his church, and commands a host of friends.

For the summer, Mr. and Mrs. Cook will be with Mr. and Mrs. A.A. Cook, at their home on the Sharon road.


Miss Bessie Page of Jacksonville, Fla., will arrive in the city Saturday afternoon and will be the guest of Miss Alice Cooley at her home on North Graham street. Miss Page has a brother here, R.C. Page.

L.W. Sanders and Dr. and Mrs. Samuel O. Brookes, the latter a daughter of Mr. Sanders, arrived home Friday from Atlantic City, where they spent the past two weeks.

Mr. and Mrs. J.C. Rhyne returned home Wednesday from Greenville, S.C., where they went to attend a convention.

Mrs. Isaac Hardeman will leave Monday for Atlanta, to attend grand opera. While there, she will be the guest of her mother, Mrs. S.W. Goode.

From The Charlotte News, Saturday, April 23, 1921

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