
Friday, April 2, 2021

Kids 'Knee High to a Duck' Enjoying Free Ice Cream at Tryon Drug Store, April 2, 1921

Kiddies Swamp Ice Cream Man. . . They Come Back for Second and Third Helping

Students of psychology would, no doubt, have given much to have been present at the free ice cream stand at Tryon Drug Store Saturday morning. The antics of countless tots hardly “knee high to a duck,” as the saying goes, afforded data for volumes of psychological research.

The truth was that practically every little boy and girl who came in had been in before—and the manager of the store had declared that but one helping of velvet ice cream would be given to each. But wit grows young especially when rewarded with ice cream, and no less than 599,684 fibs were spread around the place in less time than it takes to tell it.

“Have you been in here before?” was the question put to practically every kid, and they had practically every one been in several times before.

“Oh, no sir! No, sir!” was the inevitable answer. “I ain’t been down town for a week before today!”

“But I just saw you in here a moment ago,” came the retort.

And it was at this point that the upholders of the Golden Rule would have wept tears of bitter astonishment and grief, for in nine cases out of ten the answer was:

“Aw, it was that boy over there by the table. You got us mixed up.”

The situation bordered on riot at more than one instance, and had the ice cream dispenser behind the counter even hesitated a moment he probably would have been hung up on the highest tree in Mecklenburg county.

Saturday afternoon the Chapin-Sacks Company, distributors of Velvet Ice Cream, will move their demonstration to Walkers Drug Store, at Seventy and Tryon, where ice cream will be given away until last Saturday night.

From The Charlotte News, Saturday evening, April 2, 1921

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