
Saturday, April 24, 2021

Two Girls Riding With Douglas Schlitz on His Motorcycle Hurt When Motorcycle Collides With Buggy, April 24, 1921

Girl Hurt in Fall From Motorcycle

Little Georgianna Caldwell, young daughter of Mrs. T.E. Caldwell of 1904 Avondale avenue, was painfully injured when a motorcycle on which she was being given a ride by Douglas Schlitz, collided with a buggy near Stop 6 in Myers Park, Saturday afternoon.

The child was taken to the Presbyterian hospital, and, after an examination, was removed to her home. No bones were broken, it was reported at the hospital, but she sustained severe bruises.

She and another young girl were riding on the motorcycle with young Schiltz. The machine was going in the same direction as the buggy. As the motorcycle was about to pass the buggy the driver in the buggy, a negro named Will Bryant, turned to the left of the street, preparatory to crossing the car tracks.

The machine struck the rear of the buggy, throwing the two children and young Schlitz to the ground with violence. Although all three were bruised, only the Caldwell child was severely hurt. A warrant was issued against Bryant, but it was not stated that prosecution would not be pressed.

From The Charlotte News, Sunday morning, April 24, 1921. That last sentence is rather unclear, but that’s how it was printed in the paper.

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