
Saturday, April 24, 2021

War Mothers in Charlotte Helping Hospitalized Soldiers, Nurse, April 24, 1921

The American War Mothers held their regular monthly meeting Friday afternoon in the Mint building.

Plans are being formed for an elaborate May fete to be given by the Mothers, and further developments will be made known later.

Mrs. E.B. Laird told most interestingly of a recent visit to the hospital at Camp Sevier, Greenville, S.C., in which the War Mothers are deeply interested. Mrs. L.C. Henderson and Mrs. Johnston of Mount Holly gave accounts of the work done there.

During the meeting, a telegram was received from the War Mothers of Asheville, sending greetings and congratulations upon the recent state convention held here, signed by Mrs. Minnie Fagg Malloy.

The Mothers have recently learned of the case of a nurse at the hospital at Oteen, near Asheville, who has been confined to her bed all during the past winter, suffering with tuberculosis. They at once sent her a complete new outfit consisting of three gingham uniforms and underwear. They will send 12 dozen shirts and other articles of apparel to the different hospitals in which they are interested, during this week answering the demand.

From The Charlotte News, Sunday morning, April 24, 1921

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