
Monday, May 17, 2021

Honoring the Soldiers on Memorial Day, May 30, 1921

Honoring the Soldiers

The community does well to have an interest in the staging of Memorial Day exercises the 30th of May under the auspices of the American Legion. Mayor Walker will proclaim a half-holiday and the merchants have made the somewhat unusual promise to close for half the day to the end that acceptable tribute may be paid the heroes of the World War.

There are scores of veterans of the war living in Mecklenburg county and even though there was but one the community would do well to turn aside on the National Memorial Day in testimony of its recognition of the services of this one man who offered all he had for the cause of civilization and humanity.

Sometimes the impression gets going that we are not so grateful to these soldiers as we should be, that we are so wrapped up in our everyday pursuits that the memories of the war have left us and that we haven’t either the time or the inclination to turn aside for these fellows. We shall insist, nevertheless, that this is not the estimate which this community puts upon the services of these soldiers nor the spirit which is actuating it dominantly today.

And the occasion of this celebration will be such as will furnish splendid opportunity for the community to display its gratitude to these men and to show the here its gratitude and honor.

From the editorial page of the Charlotte News, May 17, 1921

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