
Saturday, May 15, 2021

Police Search for Killer of Grocer George L. Keller, May 15, 1921

Grocer Killed; Robbery Motive. . . Police Trying to Trail Murderer of George L. Keller

George L. Keller, 50, was shot and instantly killed by two unidentified negroes as he was boarding his wagon to depart for his home from his grocery store on Johnson street in Greenville, a negro suburb, Saturday night shortly before 11 o’clock. He lived on East Seventh street.

At 1 o’clock Police Chief Walter B. Orr and eight men were scouring the territory about Greenville in search of the two negroes. Dogs were to be put on their trails.

The murder apparently was committed for the purpose of robbery. The pockets of the dead man were found turned wrong side out when officers arrived. It had not been learned whether he carried any money away from his store.

Mr. Keller had just closed his store for the night. He was mounting is wagon, preparatory to driving away, when three shots were fired from a dark corner, according to information received.

From The Charlotte News, May 15, 1921

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