
Wednesday, June 30, 2021

Exposition Planned for Charlotte's Movie Industry, June 28, 1921

Movie Men Will Stage Big Show. . . Producers Arrange for an Exposition Here Next December

A four-day motion picture exposition with all members of the motion picture industry in Charlotte participating and with many stars of the moving picture world here, to say nothing of the latest devices and accomplishments in screendom’s history, will be staged here beginning December 12, if plans adopted Monday night here are carried out.

Theatre owners, theatre managers, musicians, exhibitors and all others connected with the movie industry here assembled and talked and voted in favor of the project, which was born at the Exhibitors League Convention recently at Wrightsville, where it was agreed Charlotte was the logical place for the exposition because of the big development of the movie business here. R.D. Craver, local theatrical magnate, was authorized to go to New York and arrange for all details necessary to make the thing a success so far as participation of outsiders is concerned.

Mr. Craver was also made permanent chairman of the ways and means committee, and F. Alton Abbott, head of the Exhibitors Exchange, was made permanent secretary. Mr. Craver will report July 11 at the next meeting to be held at the Schofield Music house on South Tryon street, how the suggestions has been received at movie headquarters in the metropolis.

C.S. Lee was made chairman of the publicity committee at the meeting Monday night, and H.R. Schofield, manager of the Schofield Music company, was made chairman of the finance committee.

Other members of the ways and means committee are L.G. Schofield, E.F. Dardine, E.E. Heller, J.A. Prince, J.C. Conn, Frank Bryan, Otto Haas, T.O. Tuttle, J.E. McCormick, T.L. Barron, I.C. Lowe, E.H. Riley, J.S. Carroll, J.C. Carroll, and Cameron Price.

From The Charlotte News, Tuesday, June 28, 1921

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