
Wednesday, June 30, 2021

Thomasboro Cannery To Turn Out 2,000 Cans of Vegetables, June 29, 1921

Local Cannery Open for Work. . . Thomasboro Plant Has Capacity of 2,000 Cans a Day

The Thomasboro Cannery, located at Thomasboro, adjoining Chadwick-Hoskins, began operations Tuesday with a capacity of 2,000 cans a day of one-, two-, and three-pounds weight and with facilities for increasing the output by the addition of more cooking vats and sealing machines.

Organization of the company and plans for its operation have been under way for some time. The plant is one of the new industries of Charlotte, and is expected to expand with the demand on the part of farmers and others to dispose of their vegetables at the plant.

J.E. Thomas is president of the company and one of its organizers. Frank Hovis is vice-president. Other officers are A.H. Freeman, B.T. Price and J.M. McCord.

Thursday afternoon at 4:30 o’clock there will be a meeting of the stockholders at the plant, where a demonstration will be given as to the method of operation of the plant. Abut 76 stockholders own the stock already subscribed.

The company has contracted for 150 acres of tomatoes, 52 acres of beans, bearing three crops annually, and 10 acres of beets.

The plant will can the fruits and vegetables as they come in during the summer and sell them during the fall months. Recently the company recurved a shipment of 55,000 cans in one car load. These cans can be sealed at the rate of one every eight seconds.

From The Charlotte News, June 29, 1921

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