
Thursday, June 17, 2021

Oak Grove Union Sunday School to Hold All Day Song Service, June 18, 1921

All Day Song Service at Oak Grove Next Sunday

The friends of the Oak Grove Union Sunday School will have an all day song service and children’s day, with dinner on the grounds, the 18th of June, 1921.

The lady teachers and Sunday School workers have prepared a very nice program for the children. The time for this exercise will be to begin at 10 o’clock a.m., and followed by music from the familiar songs of the gospel. A halt will be taken for dinner at 12 M. (?)

This dinner time is to accommodate the pastor of the church as he has to preach at 11 o’clock at the Brevard Methodist Church.

At the hour of 1:30, the old time christian harmony class will have until 4 o’clock for singing and short speeches on the subject of learning to sing by note and the old time singers are especially invited from far and near to attend and there will be eight copies of The Christian Harmony books on hand for sale at $1.15 per copy.

--M.J. Orr, Superintendent

From The Brevard News, Friday, June 17, 1921. “Christian” was lower case in this article when it described the class, and dinner was at 12 M.

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