
Thursday, June 17, 2021

Personal News from Mount Airy, Glade Creek, Rosman, Brevard Institute, June 17, 1921


Rev. Chas. C. Smith spent Monday on a visit to Biltmore.

L.P. Summey has been critically ill for several days.

Miss Susie Jordan of Calvert was a visitor to Brevard on Tuesday.

Dr. and Mrs. Sumner of Rock Hill, S.C., are here on a visit to her sister, Mrs. D.L. English.

Leon English is in Asheville this week, where he has gone for a slight operation.

Mrs. Ida Bryant and daughters, Margaret and Roberts, are visiting relatives at Easley, S.C.

Mrs. L.A. Summer of Fletcher is visiting her daughter, Mrs. D.L. English.

Mrs. J.F. Woodward of Newport, Tenn., is the guest of Mrs. John Glenn.

Born Tuesday June 14 to Mr. and Mrs. J.K. Mills, a daughter, Mabel Sara.

Mrs. Thomas Teague of Georgetown, S.C., is visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J.M. Kilpatrick.

Mrs. W.J. Brice of Savannah, Ga., is visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J.M. Kilpatrick.

David Summers of Cameron, S.C., was a recent guest of Mr. and Mrs. H.L. Wilson.

W.P. Whitmire of Hendersonville was in Brevard a few days this week.

Mr. and Mrs. E.W. Blythe, Misses Margaret and Mary Blythe, and Mrs. R.B. Lyon motored to Asheville Wednesday.

Miss Annie May Epps of Cades, S.C., is at the England House and attending the summer school at Brevard Institute.

The T.E.L. class of the Baptist Church will meet with Mrs. D.F. Moore on Tuesday afternoon, June 21, at the usual hour.

Miss Lila Riley has returned from visiting relatives and friends in South Carolina and again has charge of the U.D.C. Library.

Otto Alexander of Sapphire was in Brevard last Friday on his way to Chapel Hill, where he goes to attend the university Summer School.

C.F. Baldwin and family Miami, Fla., arrived Monday and will occupy Mrs. W.H. Allison’s place, “Deer Park Home,” for the summer.

Patton Kimzey left Wednesday for Knoxville, Tenn., to enter with other Davidson College boys the R.O.T.C. for six weeks.

Miss Margaret Osteen of Greenville, who has been attending Brevard Institute, has accepted the position of stenographer in D.L. English’s office.

Miss Elizabeth Zachary has as guests two of her classmates of the Salem Academy—Miss Eliza Baston Moore of Taylorsville and Miss Julia Haiston of Walnut Cove.

At Patton Farm, Davidson River, are the following guests: Berkeley Grimball of Charleston, S.C., Harry Wiley, Miss Selma Wiley and Leslie Scar of New Smyrna, Fla., Dr. Ladrigan of Cincinnati, Geo. S. Lowe of Asheville, Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Hunt and Mr. Harris of Jacksonville, Fla. The Jacksonville people are staying at the Peter Pan Cottage.

Glade Creek News

The farmers of this section are moving along with their crops.

James Collins and family of upper Pisgah Forest spent Sunday with his parents.

Miss Pearl Lyday is at her home from the Normal Institute at Asheville.

James Cox spent the week-end with his family.

Mr. and Mrs. A.W. Burnett of the Pink Beds are spending a few weeks with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Henry Surrette.

B.J. Brown spent last week in Henderson.

Mr. and Mrs. Clemy Reims of English Chapel spent Sunday with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J.R. Brown. James Brown of Hendersonville spent the week end with S.V. Brown.

Mrs. Walter Hurst of South Carolina is spending a few days with her sister, Mrs. Wade Lyday.

John Reed and family of Turkey Creek were visitors of this section also Sunday.

Hurman Brown spent the afternoon recently at Wade Lyday’s.

Some of the young folks are planning to attend the summer school at Brevard.

Brevard Institute Notes

Summer school opened Tuesday with a very good attendance. Teachers and pupils are arriving on every train and it looks as if the session would be very interesting.

Miss Pike left on Monday for California. She will be at the State University for several weeks and from there goes to Maine. The party is going by the Southern route and will return by one of the northern routes.

Miss Smart, who has been our book keeper for the past two years, left this week for a visit at her home in Franklin. She will enter Piedmont College, Demorest, Ga., next year.

Miss Mary Vining was a visitor to Asheville on Friday last. Miss Vining is in charge of the dining-room and kitchen this summer. She will attend Piedmont College next year.

A party of girls chaperoned by Mr. and Mrs. Crabb went out to Allison Lake to get instruction in swimming.

Rosman Items

J.A. Barnett of Horse Shoe was in our town last week.

After a month’s vacation Miss Hassie Whitmire has resumed her job again in the company store.

Dr. E.L. English has just returned from a visit to see his parents at Flag Pond, Tenn.

J.E. Cunningham of Asheville spent a few days in Rosman last week.

A.C. Current has just returned from college at Atlanta, Ga., to Rosman where he will spend his summer vacation.

H. Scott and wife are now happy in their new home that he has just built.

Miss Beulah Whitmire left Monday for Asheville where she will be for six weeks in the State Normal School.

E.D. Randolph and family returned last Tuesday from a few days visit to Chimney Rock section.

J.E. Ockerman and wife enjoyed a pleasant trip to Lake Toxaway last week.

The members of Chestnut Oak Camp, No. 295 W.O.W., decorated the grave of Belvin Galloway last Sunday at Old Toxaway.

We are glad to see on our streets again the smiling face of Bro. Clark after a few weeks of confinement from a bruised foot.

Last Sunday evening a party consisting of five visited Bro. F.M. Jordan. They carried with them his birth day present that was taken up for him during the union meeting, the amount being $20. Bro. Jordan has been here for many years. For 91 years he has suffered the pain and toils of this unfriendly world; 65 years of this time he labored for the salvation of the lost. He has the blessed assurance of having won thousands to Christ; but his work on earth is done. He says that he is only resting by the side of the river, just waiting until God shall call him to that beautiful city to enjoy the peace and happiness that remaineth for the people of God.

From The Brevard News, Friday, June 17, 1921

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