
Saturday, July 31, 2021

James McCorkle Forced on Horse at Gunpoint, July 31, 1921

Negro Gets “Ride” on Passing Cemetery

James McCorkle of Biddle came to police headquarters Saturday night with a strange complaint. He was passing Elmwood cemetery on Cedar street when John Fewell, feeling two drinks of 90 horsepower, forced James to board John’s horse and ride for several blocks.

“No nigger ain’t got no business passing a cemetery at night nohow,” John advised James. “Heah dar. Git upon dis horse and make a bee-line in another direction.”

The feeling of cold steel against his body caused James to obey, and John forced him to ride the mare, allegedly the property of John, for several block, John following behind with the dangerous end of his pistol pointing toward the rider.

After James had been taken several blocks out of his way the command to alight from the horse was given. James obeyed promptly. The query, “Nigger, kin you run?” was followed by the demand, “Then git,” as John threatened to see if the gun would shoot.

James “got” and he made double-time until police headquarters was reached, and between pants he told of the insult John had heaped upon him and demanded a warrant. Policemen were expecting to go in search of John after he had gotten home and in bed. If they catch him, James will be given a chance to get even in the police court.

From The Charlotte News, Sunday, July 31, 1921 0-0

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