
Saturday, July 31, 2021

Mooresville Social Notes, July 31, 1921


Mooresville, July 30—Mr. and Mrs. Roy Troutman spent Sunday at Connelly Springs. Mrs. B.A. Troutman and sister, Miss Mary Jones, have been guests there for the past 10 days.

Mrs. Joe White has as visitors in her home this week Miss Julia Potts of Morganton, Mrs. Wooten and Miss Rena Potts of Davidson, and Mrs. Thompson of Charlotte. All are sisters of Mrs. White.

Misses Helen Wilson and Nina Black spent the week-end at Blowing Rock, making the trip by motor.

Miss Lucille Hyatt, the attractive guest of Mr. and Mrs. P.A. Underwood, will return to her home Friday at Easley, S.C.

Mrs. C.K. McNeely has as her guest Miss Willie Bell Brantly of St. Louis. She is a niece of Mrs. McNeely.

Miss Bell McNeely returned home Saturday from Cullowee, where she has spent the past six weeks attending summer school.

In compliment to Miss Nancy White of Asheboro, Miss Nancy Lowe entertained a number of friends at a swimming party on last Tuesday night at Stewart’s Park. Miss White is visiting her sister, Mrs. Litaker.

Mr. and Mrs. George Beach have returned to Rock Hill, S.C., after spending some time here, the guests of Mrs. J.L. Donald on East Center avenue.

Mr. and Mrs. J.B. Robbins are visiting friends in the eastern part of the State and Virginia.

Mrs. George Coon has as her guest Mrs. J.W. Goldsmith of Marion. On the latter’s return home she will be accompanied by her mother, Mrs. Coon.

In the absence of Rev. L.B. Abernethy, pastor of Central Methodist church, the pulpit will be filled by Rev. M.B. Woosley of Davidson.

Mrs. M.F. Nesbit had as guests over Sunday Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Kerr of Charlotte.

Miss Ruby Menius has returned home after an extended visit to relatives in Salisbury.

Mr. and Mrs. James Jones had as a guest last Saturday Mrs. Joseph Price of Wilmington.

Miss Lettie Beaty left the latter part of the week for Montreat, where she will spend the remainder of the summer.

Little Miss Mary Parks Bell is visiting her grandfather, Mr. O.D. Mann at Whitaker’s.

Rev. R.A. White of Henderson has accepted the call to the pastorate of the First Presbyterian church here, and will enter upon his work the first of October. Rev. H.M. Pressley, who has served as supply pastor, has endeared himself to the entire community.

Mr. and Mrs. George Goodman left Wednesday for an extended visit in Canada, going first to New York, thence to Quebec.

Complimentary to the teacher of the primary department of the First Presbyterian Sunday school, Mrs. Willis Johnston entertained very pleasantly on last Tuesday night.

Miss Lucy Lipe of Winston-Salem, who has been a guest of Mrs. C.W. White, left Wednesday for Bentonville, where she will visit Mr. and Mrs. J.H. Washburn.

Miss Rena Brown, Willie Gibson and Blanche Lowrance, who have been in Asheville for the past six weeks attending summer school, returned home Wednesday.

Miss Catherine Deaton left the first of the week to visit Miss Lois Wilkinson of Hillsboro. She will also visit Morehead City while absent.

From The Charlotte News, Sunday, July 31, 1921

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