
Thursday, July 22, 2021

New Citizens Telephone Company Should Be Ready by August 1921

New Phone system Now Nearly Ready. . . Line Work Completed, Switchboard and Phones Being Installed—Central Office At Old Jail

An entirely new system is now being installed by the Citizens Telephone Company. New phones are everywhere taking place of the old ones, but the former will not be used until the system is completely installed. This is expected to be about the first of August.

When the new system is in operation the central office will be on the first floor of the old jail building, which has been leased from the county for 20 years. There are four rooms on this floor and each will have its special use in the company’s business.

In one of the front rooms the new switchboard is being installed. This work is under the direction of Mr. Fagan of Asheville. Practically all of the parts have arrived, and the switchboard will soon be ready for operation.

A retiring room, a room for charging batteries, and a storage room for telephone fixtures occupy the remainder of the space down stairs to be used by the company.

All new lines and poles have already been put up, so that when the phone are all put in and the switchboard is installed, communication will be complete from the start.

From the front page of the Brevard News, Friday, July 22, 1921

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