
Friday, July 23, 2021

News From Cameron, Jackson Springs, July 22, 1921


Our town was honored last week with some distinguished visitors. Governor Cameron Morrison and little daughter Angelia, Rev. Evan Dhu. Cameron of Oklahoma, called to see Mrs. Janie Muse and family, and Mrs. E.A. McFayden, whom the Governor calls “Cousin Betsey Ann.” Congressman W.J. Sears and wife and daughter, from Florida, stopped over night at the Greenwood Inn on his way to Washington, and were pleased with the fare and hospitality of Miss McLean.

After months of extreme suffering, Mrs. Flora Cameron passed away Monday from her home on Route 3. The funeral services were conducted by Rev. M.D. McNeill at Cypress church. Mrs. Cameron was a woman of refined character and noble qualities, and in her youth was a beautiful lady and very popular.

The Cameron correspondent is on the sick list.

Miss Kate Harrington is home from Charlotte to visit her mother.

Miss Ruth Klapp of Greensboro is the guest of Miss Burdette Joyner.

Mr. and Mrs. J.D. McLean were supper guests Saturday evening of the Misses Arnolds on Route 2.

Mr. and Mrs. O’Brien and children, and Mr. and Mrs. Leak of Rockingham, were guests Sunday of Misses Minnie and Bonnie Muse.

Mrs. H.D. Tally, Miss Jacksie Muse, and Mr. Lendon Hartsell motorcycled to Mt. Vernon Springs Sunday to see Mr. Tally, who is spending some time at the springs for his health.

Mr. and Mrs. Archie McDugald of Hamlet spent Tuesday in town, the guests of Mr. McDugald’s sister, Mrs. H.D. Tally.

Mr. Carl Phillips f Charleston, a former Cameronian, spent Sunday in town with friends.

The Young Ladies’ Auxiliary will meet with Miss Margaret Gilchrist Thursday afternoon.

Mr. And Mrs. D.B. Teague of Sanford spent Sunday in town at the afternoon services of the Presbyterian church. Their lovely little daughter, Elizabeth Coble, was christened by her grandfather, Rev. M.D. McNeill.

The church voted Rev. M.D. McNeill a vacation during the month of August.

Mr. and Mrs. H.A. Borst and little son, H.A. Jr., spent Sunday afternoon in town, guests of Mrs. E.M. Borst.

Miss Mabel Muse leaves Wednesday for Siloam to visit Mrs. Opal Jones; later joining a camping party for Blue Ridge.


One of the largest crowds of the season was here for the dance on Saturday night. It looks like old times to see a crowded floor. A large number of towns were represented, some coming from quite a distance.

During the hot weather visitors and residents are taking advantage of the swimming pool near the spring, and the lake where we get our power for lights. At the present there are bathing suits for sale here, and the Sandhill Drug Store has a few rubber bathing caps to keep the hair dry.

The community picnic was not a complete failure on last Tuesday evening, although it was raining. Quite a number of people brought their picnic lunch to the dormitory and all feasted together, played many games and had some special music by Miss Ella May Poole of Raeford, and other young ladies. The picnic was to be held at the McKenzie Mineral Spring on the banks of Drowning Creek, three miles northwest of here.

The picnic in August will be held at Currie’s Bridge, three miles south of here.

The Carolina Construction Co. of Hamlet has a force of hands at work at the Samarcand Manor school. Material is fast coming in for the new buildings.

Miss Thelma Ellis and young sister of Grover are stopping at Mrs. W.E. Blue’s for a few weeks. Miss Ellis was a very efficient music teacher here last year.

Editor D.S. Poole and family, of Raeford, were here Sunday shaking hands with old friends.

Miss Ada Daugherty, who holds a position at Tarboro, is visiting relatives and friends in and around here.

E.A. Maurice of New York City, who owns the Maurice Orchards, is here for a while.

Mr. Cartland, representing the Arctic Ice Cream Company of Greensboro, was here a few days ago and announced he was going to buy three carloads of Sandhill peaches to make peach cream.

West End won three out of four ball games last week. Ouside of the league the fast Rockingham team met defeat 2 to 1, and the Ellerbe team 9 to 1. In the latter game Moss stole 2nd, 3rd, and home before his side was retired. In the game with Biscoe, Young featured with the stick with five hits out of five times up in their 10 to 3 defeat.

From The Pilot, Devoted to the Upbuilding of Vass and Its Surrounding County, Friday, July 22, 1921

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