
Thursday, July 1, 2021

Who Is Responsible for Old Methodist Burying Ground?

A Burning Question

Back of where the old Methodist church used to stand on South Main street is an old burying ground evidently long since deserted in so farm as being used for burying purposes is concerned. As it now stands, it is one large unsightly monument to the thoughtlessness and lack of filial regard of the people of this community. The writer waded in among the briars, weeds, vines and underbrush, which make it a tiny forest, a few days ago and was amazed to find names on some of the stones corresponding to the names of some of our best citizens in Mount Airy. It is a burning shame that our “best citizens” have allowed their dead to go forgotten in such a habitation.

But this disrespect for the dead has gotten beyond this simple stage; it has become much more aggravated in the last few months. This old burying ground has become a rendezvous for the criminal element of the entire community. The writer has seen men and women meet out in the front, go there, at dusk, lose themselves to the sight of the world for an hour or so, come out, and each go in a different direction. They carried no spade or shovel or flowers at any time. The writer has also seen men go there repeatedly who are connected rather flagrantly with the violation of the liquor laws. Young men who have been in court for crap shooting also visit this old city of the dead occasionally.

Now, who is responsible for this old lot? The Methodist church, long since disbanded? The relatives of those buried there? The town?

The health officer could so something since the place is a prolific rat breeder. The newly organized Woman’s Club would find it a splendid city beautiful project, to get it cleaned up, stones set in place and a good stand of grass started. The Kiwanis Club might find it an interesting thing to do. The new city government would find it a splendid aid to law enforcement to clean it up. Who is responsible?

--Humble Citizen

From The Mount Airy News, June 30, 1921.

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